Tag Archives: Digital

How CIOs can drive digital innovation through collaboration



CIOs drive innovation by building digital awareness, forming digital innovation teams, and creating innovative opportunities in the form of new products and services. This three step approach accelerates the innovation cycle and optimizes the leveraging of information and technology for competitive advantage.

Source: How CIOs can drive digital innovation through collaboration

How the Data-driven CIO Enables Digital Transformation


Some people prefer the destination, but I prefer the journey.  Not really the journey, but the anxiety of the journey. Whether during a detour at Starbucks on the long drive to Disneyworld, reading a chapter in the biography of Walt Disney, or my eighth back-to-back viewing of Monster’s Inc., I’m wondering about the next stop, chapter or sequel and ignoring what’s right in front of me. Maybe that’s why I’m constantly tripping. The anxiety of what I’m missing or what’s next is always pushing me ahead of the now.

Source: How the Data-driven CIO Enables Digital Transformation