A long trail of empirical evidence shows that the increased productivity brought about by automation and invention leads to more wealth, cheaper goods, increased consumer spending power and ultimately, more jobs, writes Christopher Mims.

Providing a Compass for the Journey
A long trail of empirical evidence shows that the increased productivity brought about by automation and invention leads to more wealth, cheaper goods, increased consumer spending power and ultimately, more jobs, writes Christopher Mims.
CIO.com looks back at key digital transformations CIOs shepherded in 2016.
Some people prefer the destination, but I prefer the journey. Not really the journey, but the anxiety of the journey. Whether during a detour at Starbucks on the long drive to Disneyworld, reading a chapter in the biography of Walt Disney, or my eighth back-to-back viewing of Monster’s Inc., I’m wondering about the next stop, chapter or sequel and ignoring what’s right in front of me. Maybe that’s why I’m constantly tripping. The anxiety of what I’m missing or what’s next is always pushing me ahead of the now.
Source: How the Data-driven CIO Enables Digital Transformation